For those that are fond of writing, you will be aware that choosing the right pen is a necessary part of the writing experience. No pen is the same and all pens cannot be generalized. Each is graced by its own quirk. Different pens have different features that are appealing in their own right. However, […]
On the surface, it seems as if a pen is a mere tool for writing and jotting down notes. Consequently, its necessity as a writing instrument is all we know it for. However, this is different when you consider a pen in the corporate world. A pen then transcends its basic purpose and goes on to represent […]
If you have ever experienced an ink stain in your pocket, relax – you’re not the only one. Pen leaks have been a common source of problems among people for years now. As a matter of fact, they have spoiled a variety of shirts and trousers with unwanted blots of ink all around. However, have […]
Every invention that we see today was created out of necessity. The pen for writing. The light bulb for illumination. The telephone for communication. These were created out of a need for convenience and comfort in daily life. While some do not pose a direct threat to the environment, there are many that have been […]
Today, Spellinc is known as a national event that tests the knowledge of students on English spelling and words. It has a wide coverage of roughly 1500 schools over 11 cities and reaches out to over 5 lakh students. Organized by Linc Pen and Plastics Limited, it is an initiative that not only tests students based […]
Have you ever wished for the power to turn dreams into reality? This sort of question sounds bizarre since there is no magic wand to make it happen. However, imagine if there was a communication tunnel that bridges the gap between the imaginary world of desire and its realization into reality. Imagine if you could […]
Serving the role of a one-stop destination, Office Linc is an initiative that is intended to reach customers directly. Launched by Linc, one of the most popular pen companies, it has set up branches in several malls while some can be seen as stand-alone shops. Filled with an assortment of stationery and office products, these outlets […]
While gifting is one of the most selfless forms of appreciation and love, it can actually prove to be quite a difficult task. This is because we find ourselves without information about the tastes and needs of the recipients. At the same time, we cannot guess their reactions and we often think the gift was […]
Linc is renowned as a leading manufacturer and supplier of writing instruments in India. It has been serving the nation for decades through an assortment of quality products at cost-effective rates. While it is the Indian audience that primarily benefits from their offerings, Linc has opened new channels of distribution with time to market its […]
Touchscreens and keyboards have clearly become an indispensable tool for our daily existence today. However, with the emphasis on pressing the right key rather than on the seamless flow of thought, it’s not surprising that many refuse to part with the age-old process of writing. The feeling of putting pen to paper, moving the instrument […]