Information Collection

Linc Limited collects various types of personal information, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles, dates of birth, addresses, work addresses, payment information, and professional details.

Collection Methods

Information is gathered through registration forms, interactions with the website, and public sources.

Usage of Information

The collected data is used for purposes such as marketing, creating user accounts, gathering testimonials and feedback, enforcing terms and conditions, processing payments, providing support, targeted advertising, and managing customer orders.

Usage of Information

The collected data is used for purposes such as marketing, creating user accounts, gathering testimonials and feedback, enforcing terms and conditions, processing payments, providing support, targeted advertising, and managing customer orders.

Sharing of Information

Personal information is shared with third parties like ad services, sponsors, marketing agencies, legal entities, analytics providers, and payment recovery services, but only for specific purposes. Additionally, information may be disclosed to comply with legal requirements or during business mergers.


Personal data is retained for 90 days to 2 years after account termination, depending on the necessity for legal, fraud prevention, or record-keeping purposes. Anonymous and aggregate data may be stored indefinitely.

User Rights

Users have the right to access, rectify, or erase their data, restrict or object to its processing, and withdraw consent. They can also lodge complaints with statutory authorities and request data transfer to other entities.

Cookies and Security

The policy includes details on cookie usage and outlines the security measures taken to protect user information, though absolute security cannot be guaranteed.

Third-Party Links

The policy advises users to review the privacy policies of any third-party websites linked from Linc’s services, as Linc is not responsible for their content or privacy practices.

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