Hailed as one of the prime manufacturers and suppliers of innovative writing instruments, Linc Pen and Plastics Ltd. enjoys a special place in the heart of the Indian audience. This is not just attributed to the splendid quality of its pens alone. Rather, it is due to their products being preferred among families for generation after generation […]
The dependence on technology has played a dominant role in all of our lives. In this modern age of brilliant gadgets and groundbreaking technological advancements, we have taken to new habits and trends as we move ahead with the times. Getting to the question on everyone’s mind – Will the electronic keyboard replace the old […]
With technological advancements and modern means of recording information, handwritten notes are being replaced by emails, text messages and typed letter. Of course, it’s easy to see why. However, the close, personal connection that the best grip pens and handwritten letters create is beyond comparison to the wonders of the keyboard. What’s even more incomparable is the […]
It’s not wrong to say that pens and ink have facilitated the foundation of human civilization. The greatest works by mankind would not be known to us if it were not for the pen. Allowing us to record, transmit and communicate information effectively, its purpose has served the world for generations after generations. But ever […]
“All the energy of thinking is eventually shown in the nib of a pen.” Paulo Coelho rightly highlights the strong, unexplainable relation of authors to their prized possessions. As you know, an author is quite closely attached to the pen he/she uses. Even with the option of high performance laptops and gadgets, most of the […]
When looking at calligraphy, one cannot help but feel a sense of admiration and wonder. Every stroke of perfection and every line of grandeur comes from meticulous, highly skilled effort. The beauty of this type of penmanship comes from the way that each alphabet is created, which is accurately sized and proportioned with no room […]
The sight of a clean, neatly arranged desk can be inspiring and actually conducive to your efficiency. Your desk is your workstation where the biggest tasks take place. As a result, it needs to set up so as to ensure effective time management and productivity. An orderly work desk coupled with a stationery organizer will also ensure […]
The global pandemic has unarguably pressed a giant pause button in our lives. But is that a reason to stop learning? Technology has blessed us with the essential tools required to continue our passion and pursuit of knowledge. As a result, several opportunities lie before us, one of them being a major event that is […]
With so many options available in even more bedazzling colours, it is easy to get overwhelmed with your visits to stationery shops. After all, there is so much laid down just for your eyes! And yes, they will all seem to have relevance on a day to day basis. However, from this extensive range and […]
Being ‘linked’ to families for countless years, Linc has been the go-to option for writing instruments in every walk of life. Hence, Linc Pens and Plastics Ltd as a major player in India’s pen markets need no introduction. What does need an introduction is its newly launched Pentonic BRT. Being the manifestation of Linc’s evergreen hopes […]