It’s easy to point the downsides of the pandemic, owing to the sudden impact that it’s left on the world. Of course, the lockdown has become the most effective way of saving lives. But stepping into the quarantine is similar to approaching unchartered territory – new yet unfamiliar.

Some are making it count by spending time with loved ones and doing things that they never had the time for before. Others are utilizing it by learning new skills. Many are also taking it as an opportunity to rest and rewind. But there’s one big change that’s truly noticeable -

Creativity has been brimming from every corner of the world!

As people become unable to differentiate between social distancing and social isolation, they have actually taken the initiative to revive their long-forgotten dreams.

Lockdown and Creativity: The Subtle Link We Never Knew Existed

According to the Washington Post, more than 250 people reported that they learnt to play instruments and experimented with new culinary techniques among other ventures during this period. If we’re diving into specifics, here’s a small glimpse of their creative endeavours:

Dip pen calligraphy was taken up by a woman in Arlington

A grandmother from Owing Mills picked up stop motion animation

A photographer in New York started his own YouTube channel

The dream of storytelling was finally fulfilled by An artist in Whittier

Joey Noble, the artist in question, had created ‘Corey is in Quarantine’ within a short span of time. He instantly got more than 180,000 views through a TikTok video of him reading the book aloud and is now selling paperback versions online.

But it’s not just Joey who’s making it happen.

There are so many out there making their dreams come true!

Raising Spirits and Bringing Out Creativity

Take Vincent Djokoto of Ghana. After having let go of his dreams of painting, it took him 15 years to pick up his brush again. He realized that with the lockdown in place, he would need something more than the essentials of food and soap. It was then that he came across art supplies and finally picked up an assortment of coloured pencils and paint.

Gayatri Gill, a Mumbai-based producer and scriptwriter, penned her collection of stories as “little windows to escape reality”. The e-book titled ‘The Day Before Today: Lockdown Stories’ started during the first week of lockdown where she shared them a few WhatsApp groups. One after another, she kept writing and her efforts bore fruit on the 1st of June when a publishing house released them officially!

Delving into fashion, a teacher in Malayinkeezhu (Thiruvananthapuram district) created and designed a dress made completely out of paper. The teacher, Lincy LG, also made the handbag, necklace and other accessories with the same material. After taking pictures of her daughter in the dress, it’s not surprising that the pictures went viral and she received an overwhelming response!

As you can see, going digital is the way forward in times such as these.

The Fruits of Creativity Now Released Online

Did you know that Washington DC’s Smithsonian National Museum has put up its 2.8 million artefacts and specimens online as digital resources for its audiences?

Similarly, a partnership by Delhi based galleries saw digital exhibitions to reach out to larger audiences. The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art in Noida has also done the same. Incorporating programmes like workshops, virtual exhibitions and even contests, it has used the power of digital to grow art appreciation while making the same more accessible.

Art is not just about the perfect coloured ink gel pens and paints being thrown skillfully on a canvas. Rather, it functions as a form of therapy. It has become a way to instill positivity and optimism among people while transforming boredom into beauty. Coupled with the lesser-known benefits of the lockdown, it has actually opened up avenues of opportunity that most of us have been waiting for.

Fewer distractions and more time on our hands – that’s perhaps the best way of looking at this situation we’re in. It’s amazing to see how some have risen up to the challenge and turned to arts and creative activities. Painting, cooking, dancing, embroidery, gardening, knitting and calligraphy – there’s something for everyone here but we have to be willing to grab the chance in front of us.

We have the tools and technology.

All that’s left for us is to get off the couch and get to work!



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